Thursday, 23 April 2015

Lower Drayton Farm

We went on a trip to Lower Drayton Farm with Chase Home Ed group. 
It was so much fun on the zip wire

Oh and the slide.

Mittens likes the tractor.

here is an owl box (Fact: squirrels come here and they love eggs thats why they hang up birds nests.)It's so interesting that the birds catching that they put rings around there legs (Note:bird catching is not cruel it's to save them)

I fed lambs 

and they drank milk.

Going on a tractor trailer was good

We're in a Rape plant place

The farmer told us to run deep into the crop. It smelt good.

A new born cow up there ⬆️.

Look at these emus.

This llama loves corn flakes in fact I fed them cornflakes)

We went to the chandlers (a chandler is a boat shop)

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